Silver Age Foundation for Elders is a not-for-profit that strives to enhance the quality of life of elders and promote healthy aging, fight elder abuse, and spread awareness on aging for all stakeholders. Since September 2017, we have held programs in various elder homes, made presentations in senior citizen associations, assisted elders in distress, and provided services for elders’ homes.
“These sessions have a lot of meaning. What we left 25 years ago, we have regained all that. Our founder members and trustees have taken all care to make our presence here meaningful. They take us out for picnic, eating out, and sightseeing. We are grateful to the foundation.”
“Now we are all leading lonely lives as our children are outside. Some have lost their husbands and others their wives. Even some couples are lonely. But ever since I joined SAF, I have got a new lease of life. Even when our children are here with us, they are engaged in their own activities. We have become energetic after doing yoga and practicing healthy habits."
I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the dedication and hard work of Silver Age Foundation for Elders, in promoting the wellbeing of senior citizens through their constant effort. I am grateful for all the work you do to make our lives better. I joined SAFE in July 2022 with encouragement from my wife who was already attending the chair yoga sessions regularly. She had been realizing good results such as increase in flexibility as well as other health benefits. By practicing chair yoga regularly, I have also improved my posture and health parameters such as BP, diabetes, and flexibility of my body at the age of 73! I wish SAFE continues with their excellent work with the same zeal and dedication. Thank you for all the support and encouragement that you provide to senior citizens associated with your organization.
“We are all so happy for getting to do what we should have done years ago. We meet three days a week for two hours at the foundation where we do Yoga, meet doctors on any health issue, and undertake various other activities. Not surprisingly our problems of spondylolysis or body ache, blood pressure and sugar have all been solved.”